欢迎来到电子游戏软件海军后备军官训练队的网站, 是波士顿大学波士顿财团的一部分.




  • U.S. 公民身份或归化美国.S. 公民.
  • Not less than 17 years old by September 1 of year starting college and no more than 23 on December 31 of that year.
  • Must not have reached 27th birthday by December 31 of year in which graduation and commissioning are anticipated.
  • Applicants with prior military service may be eligible for age adjustments for amount of time equal to their prior service, 按月计算, 最多36个月, if they will not reach 30th birthday by December 31 of year graduation and commissioning are anticipated.
  • High school graduation or equivalency certificate by August 1 of year of entrance into four-year NROTC 奖学金 program.
  • No moral obligations or personal convictions that prevent conscientious bearing of arms and supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, 无论是国外的还是国内的,都不能宣誓履行这些行为.
  • 医学上符合海军或海军陆战队标准的.
  • You must not have any body piercing or tattoos that violate Navy or Marine Corps policy.
  • 学生 with 30 or more semester hours or 45 or more quarter hours of college credit upon application are not eligible for four-year NROTC 奖学金s. These students should see professors of naval science at host university's NROTC unit to discuss other scholarship opportunities.
  • You must be within Navy or Marine Corps height/weight standards when you report.
  • 申请并获得批准的NROTC学院或大学的录取. 电子游戏软件 to an NROTC institution is not required during the selection process; however, notification of admission must be received before the scholarship can be activated.
  • 学生 may apply for only one of three program options-Navy, Marine Corps, or Nurse.
  • Active duty Navy applicants are ineligible to apply for NROTC program through COMNAVCRUITCOM. Active members of other branches of the military may apply 如果授予 a conditional release. Individuals who are scheduled for boot camp may apply provided they complete all required application evolutions (i.e. 强烈兴趣调查,官员面试等.). 国家科学技术委员会将接受教师评价, 成绩单, 和ACT/SAT成绩日期在申请人装船日期之后.
  • 海军和护士选择的申请人应该在网上申请 或者通过海军征兵办公室.
  • 海军陆战队的申请者应在网上申请 或者通过海军陆战队招募办公室.
  • You may start the process of applying during the second semester of your junior year of high school. Before the application can be finalized and forwarded for selection consideration, you must ensure that a copy of your complete transcript including your entire junior year is forwarded to your recruiter.
